Vianet is proud to bring Fibre to the Home (FTTH) to the communities of Loretto, Keenansville, Colgan and other rural areas in Adjala-Tosorontio. In addition to making 1 Gbps FTTH service available to more than 600 homes and businesses within Adjala-Tosorontio and neighbouring New Tecumseth, this privately funded 45km rural fibre project will also result in increased speeds and service reliability to hundreds of additional residents serviced from 4 Fixed Wireless sites now connected to Vianet’s fibre optic backbone.

Vianet has been activating FTTH service for residents in Loretto and Keenansville since September while continuing to build the final phases of the project. Initially scheduled to be completed mid-2021, the support of the mayor, council and expedited permitting process put in place prior to this project has resulted in an accelerated timeline with final project splicing expected to be complete before the end of 2020.

Mayor Pinto had to say “Working with Vianet over the past two years has been a positive experience for our township that will bring expansion of fibre optic to our residents. I thank our township council and staff for helping cut red tape and unnecessary delays, I also thank Vianet for their quick response times that enabled moving projects forward. Working together we will be able to expand fibre optic around the township.”

We spoke with resident Nick Vyfschaft who was facing challenges shared by many rural residents throughout Canada, “Before the pandemic, living in Adjala-Tosorontio with minimal internet options and slow speeds was manageable. Once the pandemic hit, everything changed. I couldn’t work from home with the service I had. Instead, I parked near a cell phone tower and worked from my van. Unfortunately, the cost of this was not manageable.” As Vianet continues to install more customers and bring them online, the significant impacts of faster and more reliable service are starting to be felt. “Now that fibre is installed, I am working from home with ease. I download between 300-400 Gigabytes a month and then upload a file of 700-900 Megabytes daily. Without the installation of fibre by Vianet, being able to do this would never have been a possibility for me. Sending a file with a 1MB upload speed was taking 2 hours to send, but is now taking 20 seconds on Vianet’s fibre optic. Thank you to Vianet for living up to their promise of getting fibre to the Adjala-Torsorontio residents.” said Vyfschaft.

Vianet continues to seek out opportunities to build upon this successful project in other under-served sections of Adjala-Tosorontio, both through private investment where feasible and by looking to partner with provincial and federal broadband expansion programs when required.

For more information about this project, please visit the Vianet’s Adjala-Tosorontio Project Page.

Adjala-Tosorontio press release 1
Adjala-Tosorontio press release 2

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